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Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Top Ten Books On My Fall To-Be-Read List

This week's topic is to pick our top ten books to be read in the fall!
I thought this list was incredibly hard to narrow down!
But here are the books at the top of my tbr-list that I'm so excited to dive into :)

- - - Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme, hosted by The Broke and The Bookish, where a new topic is given for a top ten list - - -

1. Addicted After All by Krista & Becca Ritchie
I NEED THIS LIKE YESTERDAY. But I'm counting down the days until Lo's birthday (10/31)!
I'm so glad I'll be finished my mid-term exams by then so I can devour this baby.
Pretty sure I'll be a blubbering mess when I finish it too. After all, it's the last LiLo POV. *cries*

2. Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell
I haven't read any of Rainbow Rowell's other books but this one sounds too adorable to pass. 
Plus, how cute is that cover?! I have a feeling I'll relate to this one, well, the fangirling part at least.

3. Break The Sky by Nina Lane
The Spiral of Bliss series is one of my favorites and I loved Kelsey. 
She was a wonderful secondary, intelligent and sassy. I didn't even think about Archer as a potential love interest for her!
Can't wait to read and find out how that happened. And that cover? Phew *fans self*

4. Finding Dandelion by Lex Martin
I liked Dani from the moment she quoted Friends! Haha.
The first book was full of wonderful moments that made me laugh and sigh (the good kind). 
I'm hoping this one will be as well.

5. Through The Ever Night by Veronica Rossi
Besides being able to fangirl over Perry some more, I'm really looking forward to learning more about Aria and her abilities.
Plus, Perry and Aria will actually be together now (right?!). I am ready for the feels.

6. The Evolution of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin
I need to know what on earth is going on! Is she still hallucinating?
Or is something more profound going on with Mara? I'm hoping some of my questions will be answered in the next book.
I love how creepy the book can get but it evens out with the cute Noah and Mara moments.

7. Sweet Thing by Renee Carlino
I love music. I love how it's created, the tone and feeling of it and the feelings we get as a result.
I'm a sucker for romances with a musical aspect. This one sounds right up my alley and full of feels. 
I've also heard good things about Renee Carlino's books, so that's more than enough incentive to start one.

8. Sweet Fall by Tillie Cole
I loved how how opposing Lexi's image and personality were. She's a Goth cheerleader :D
She was such a sweet friend and great secondary character! Can't wait to read her (and Austin's) story. 
Especially since it sounds like both their families will play an important part in it too.

9. Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover
I have a feeling that this book will make me bawl. 
I've read some reviews already, so I sort of have an idea of how the story goes.
And although I want to just skip to the happy ending, it wouldn't be as meaningful without the sad.

10. Scoring Wilder by R. S. Grey
From the blurb I feel like this would be a funny and light read.
And yes, I'm a sucker for soccer players. No shame in that.
A hero with "abs that can shred Parmesan cheese (the expensive kind)"? Yes please.


  1. I really need to try and read Ugly Love soon as well. I do love Colleen Hoover's writing. I hope you enjoy your books on your list!

  2. I forgot Fangirl!! How could I!?! I haven't read it yet but I'm hoping to read it next month. Maybe we can buddy read it whenever your up for it? I also have Dearest Clementine and Sweet Thing! I really want to read Sweet Thing before this year is up. Okay, and lastly I haven't read The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer yet...I'm on a book buying ban/limit so I don't want to start it until I can pick of The Evolution of Mara Dyer.

    My TTT

  3. OMG YES I NEED ADDICTED TOO. My friend Siiri got me into these books and I am hooked! Raisy are amazing and totally my OTP :D hehe

  4. FANGIRLLLLLL!!!! I am fangirling over Fangirl. I love this book so much! Enjoy!!

    Nicole @ The Quiet Concert

  5. I plan on reading Fangirl soon, too. I haven't read any of Rainbow Rowells, book. All of these look very interesting. You have some that I hadn't known about, until now. I do have Addicted to You around here somewhere, but have yet to read it. You and some others seem to really love that series, so maybe I will try find it and read it soon.I have mixed feelings about Ugly Love, though. I passed when a bookclub I am in read it. Enjoy all of your fall books! Happy Readings!

  6. I have every stupid essay date and test date and just every other possible due date in uni on Oct 31st and THIS IS THE WORST. UGH. But I get to devour this baby and then study relentlessly for 3 days for the 1st test in Basics of Law (Mandatory ugh. I hate law.) and then I can re-read I hope. Ha. DUUUUDE!!! I disliked Eleanor and Park and even though I gave it 2 stars I feel like it deserves 1 (because I didn't enjoy it at all), but I looooooved Fangirl! A perfect 4 star read for me :) Must start Lex Martin :) (AND FRIENDS QUOTE? YESSS) OMFG PERRY LOOK ITS PERRY *FAINTS* ARIA AND PERRY ARE THE MOST WONDERFUL IN THIS BOOK AND IN INTO THE STILL BLUE ALSO EVOLUTION *DIES* I CANNOT HANDLE. Colleen Hoover never cries when writing her boys (which is just weird because wtf Will's pain in Point of Retreat and Holder in Losing Hope UGHHHHH) but HOW WHAT WHY SHE CRIED BECAUSE OF MILES. I AM INTRIGUED. Hopefully soon. I hope you cry a ton mwhaha. Because I will.

  7. I really enjoyed FANGIRL. It's very relatable to people who like to read and write. I also love the whole UNDER THE NEVER SKY series -- it's the best :) Enjoy all your fun reads!

  8. Great variety! I can't wait to read Under the Never Sky!

  9. I ordered Fangirl last weekend and it should come next week. So excited :D Haven't read anything by her either. But will, duh. I love the fact that you're varying your reads. Have you read any M/M romance, by the way? I love that genre :D

  10. This is a great list! I still need to read Fangirl and Worth the Fall. I looooooved Through the Ever Night and Sweet Thing. I'm a huge fan of the Spiral of Bliss series too, and I didnt love Break the Sky as much, but it was still good.

  11. There are so many of these I need to read as well but I then I got to the last one and I kinda squealed haha. I loved Scoring Wilder SO MUCH. It is hilarious and swoony all rolled into one!! But your entire list is great :)

    Thanks for stopping by my TTT the other day :D

    Sheri @ Tangled Up In Books

  12. I need to read most of these books myself!!! Especially Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell :) Great list!!

  13. I have read Dearest Clementine (Dearest #1) and it was AMAZING!!!
    So, I can only assume that Finding Dandelion is going to be eually awesome.
    Looking forward to reading your thoughts on it, and thank you for stopping by my blog and giving me your suggestions =D

  14. Sweet Fall by Tillie Cole is definitely in mine too!

  15. I fangirl for Fangirl.

  16. So many great books on this list! I plan on reading Scoring Wilder, like, ASAP, and I hope to start the Addicted series soon! Through the Ever Night - well, that series as a whole - is one of my favorites. Omg I love Perry SO much. Top 5 boy for sure. Fangirl... ahmazing. Levi <3. Also, you need to catch up with Mara! I'm gonna be a wreck reading that last book.

  17. Is it sad that I do have some of these and haven't read them either? Well, except for the Under the Never Sky series, which I LOVED. Good luck with your list and thanks for stopping by :)

  18. I really want to read the Addicted series. I'm meeting the authors next week so I better get on the first book at least. I loved Under the Never Sky series and I hope you enjoy the last books as well. Great list here, Jennifer! :)
